Sunday, January 3, 2010

It's a red light you asshole!

OMG nothing gets my chili running hotter than when that one prick is sitting in the left turn lane behind a car, and when the light turns red the dude who's in the middle of the turn lane goes, and this asshole tries to tailgate him to turn left. But oh no, he can't get far because the prick was sitting ten feet behind the white line not paying attention so then he holds up all the traffic that has a green light!

One of these days i'm gonna lose it and just drive out there and let the son of a bitch hit me...GRRR!!! If i were a cop i would be such an asshole, i would give tickets to everyone who did this and if they mouthed off i would throw their ass in jail!

Ah...i feel so much better now...

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